These last few months have been a whirlwind with the comfortable patterns of school, work, and daily life blown away. Not your average Tamworth autumn (despite gorgeous weather).
In the midst of this, what’s concerning is how we’re going to come out the other side. How might our health look after a period of altered activity, diet, screen time, and social contact? How long can we avoid routine health care before other problems arise? Importantly, how do we want to be positioned, heath-wise, when this is all over?
Undoubtedly there are big disruptions and numerous factors beyond our control. I accept that. However, many of the aspects shaping our health actually fall within our control, namely how we eat, sleep, move, think, and connect. Committing to optimising these factors in the present, will position us well in the future.
Barton Lane Practice is committed to the long-term, providing preventative care, health screening (for conditions like heart disease and cancer) and chronic disease management. Our response to COVID-19 has been on the front foot in education, screening, and care of our patients. We’re here to help.